İKÜ English Language Teaching Program

İstanbul Kültür University (İKU) English Language Education (English Teaching) Program offers an undergraduate education in English Language Teaching. The program which accepts students with the ÖSYS Language-1 score offers a curriculum that includes vocational courses covering the development of English language skills, foreign language teaching methods and linguistics, as well as elective courses that help students improve themselves in terms of culture and professional fields. Our undergraduate program thus aims to train future teachers, who have gained analytical, critical and communicative skills.

Prospective teachers enrolled in the English Language Teaching Undergraduate Program take an English proficiency and grading exam. The candidates who, according to the results of the exam, have the basic English skills required to take the courses, start their first year of undergraduate education. Those who do not get enough points in the exam are required to enroll in the English Preparation Class within the Department of Foreign Languages under the Rectorate.

The English language skills of prospective teachers continue to be improved in the first and second years of the undergraduate program. Vocational courses, including foreign language teaching methods and linguistics, and internships which are introduced simultaneously with the development of these skills continue until graduation. The internship process is carried out in various private and public schools, including Kültür Educational Institutions.

Graduates of the English Language Teaching Undergraduate Program can work as teachers in  İstanbul Kültür Educational Institutions, elementary schools, secondary schools and high schools. Our graduates can also work in embassies and in the tourism sector.

Last Update Date: Thu, 08/29/2019 - 13:15